Wednesday, March 13, 2013

In our free read , Jem  got yelled at by Atticus because he pointed his air gun at Miss Maudie. Then later that day they see a rabbit dog, Atticus told gem to let him see his air gun so he could shoot the rabbit dog. He hit the dog and called the animal people to come get it.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

In To kill a mocking bird chapter 6: Jem pants got stuck trying to get out of boo Radleys yard, They got cought on the fence. Later that night Jem, Dill and Scout heard Boo outside trying to get Jem's pants off the fence, So Jem wanted to go after boo.

In Chapter 7: While scout was in school The Teacher Miss Caroline would not let them read and write in school. Jem told Scout that school get's better when you get older.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Scout has a father named Atticus He's a lawyer. Scout is a girl, And she can read. She has been reading since she was born. She acts like a boy and she do not like wearing girls clothes. Radley family is scary and kind of a secret type family. There son Boo has been disappeared for 15 years And he stabbed his dad in the leg. Scouts teacher Miss Caroline slapped Scout with a ruler because she knew how to read.