Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Now we are done with the book Drums girls Dangerous Pie. I really didn't like it but it was ok. Not my favorite book. I didn't like it cause the little boy is a perv because he stared at Renee butt and imagined things. I DON'T THINK THAT'S SCHOOL RELATED! Soooo ... Yea That's why i didn't like the book.

Monday, February 25, 2013

In the next chapter "A Men's Journey" There talking about the show getting closer. And that he has a new friend named Sam She has cancer, They met at the hospital. She is a drummer like Steven.
In the chapter "The Quardruple uh-oh" Jeffery finds out from the docters that his disease ( Leikemia)  Is tremendously expensive. He's thinking people could to donate to help out for the docters bills.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

In this chapter Steven is worried cause about the billing of everything Steven said "That their going to be homeless cause there's not enough Money for the billing, Cause his dad don't make enough money for it. And Annette was worried about Steven. So she was going to go over his house and talk to him. She walked in a blizzard to go see him and when she got there he slammed the door in her face.

And i predict that in the  next chapter everything will start to come together and they would not have to worry about nothing.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

In the chapter i read Jeffery is worried that he might not make it. He is really scared about his healing and how he will heal. They put an needle threw his chest for a shot and so it can make him feel better.

Friday, February 8, 2013

So Steven was still undergoing symptoms of leukemia And the Doctor said he has a 50% chance to live. And Then Jeffery said he just wants to get shot so he could end the pain he is from the leukemia.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Steven's attitude toward jeffery before and after he learns about jeffrey's illness:

Before Steven found out that his little brother had leukemia he thought he had injured his little brother from his fall in the morning. Steven's attitude toward Jeffrey was worried about his little brother. But he found out that it was not what happend. His little brother had leukemia. Steven's attitude changed after he heard the news. He felt sorry and wanted to help as much as he could. He wanted the best for his little Brother, and wanted him to recover.