Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ranger's Apprentice

By John Flanagan 

The Ranger's Apprentice is a book by John Flanagan. It's a series of books. And it was published in 2010. I choose to read this book because i like how the conflicts/Fights were fought back then. I have read other books of the series and liked them. 

So far that i have read the main character is Will. He is the Ranger's Apprentice. And the Kings son. His master teaches him everything he knows so far. Then there is Tug he is a good friend of Will. And he wants to lean what Will is but he can't.

Will's master has teached Will everything.  But he is unsatisfied. He talks to Tug about trading sides because he wants to learn more ablities, Tug tells him " Not to do it." Will turns and starts war with his own people. Will got what he wanted he gained more power then ever. 

During the war will came across his old master. Will killed him and took the ring to the book. Will killed many people, People look at him as a god, after he took the book. He took over land and became ruler of the country. People hated him for what he did. Will died of old age but before he died he gave the ring to his friend Tug in memory of him. He didn't know what to do or say. 

I like the Ranger's Apprentice books. They make a lot of since of in the old days and how it was, The book/Series was made by John Flanagan. I liked this cause of the ways he explained each side "Evil and Good" I choose to read it because he is one of my favorite Author's. And i love his books.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

In our free read , Jem  got yelled at by Atticus because he pointed his air gun at Miss Maudie. Then later that day they see a rabbit dog, Atticus told gem to let him see his air gun so he could shoot the rabbit dog. He hit the dog and called the animal people to come get it.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

In To kill a mocking bird chapter 6: Jem pants got stuck trying to get out of boo Radleys yard, They got cought on the fence. Later that night Jem, Dill and Scout heard Boo outside trying to get Jem's pants off the fence, So Jem wanted to go after boo.

In Chapter 7: While scout was in school The Teacher Miss Caroline would not let them read and write in school. Jem told Scout that school get's better when you get older.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Scout has a father named Atticus He's a lawyer. Scout is a girl, And she can read. She has been reading since she was born. She acts like a boy and she do not like wearing girls clothes. Radley family is scary and kind of a secret type family. There son Boo has been disappeared for 15 years And he stabbed his dad in the leg. Scouts teacher Miss Caroline slapped Scout with a ruler because she knew how to read.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Now we are done with the book Drums girls Dangerous Pie. I really didn't like it but it was ok. Not my favorite book. I didn't like it cause the little boy is a perv because he stared at Renee butt and imagined things. I DON'T THINK THAT'S SCHOOL RELATED! Soooo ... Yea That's why i didn't like the book.

Monday, February 25, 2013

In the next chapter "A Men's Journey" There talking about the show getting closer. And that he has a new friend named Sam She has cancer, They met at the hospital. She is a drummer like Steven.
In the chapter "The Quardruple uh-oh" Jeffery finds out from the docters that his disease ( Leikemia)  Is tremendously expensive. He's thinking people could to donate to help out for the docters bills.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

In this chapter Steven is worried cause about the billing of everything Steven said "That their going to be homeless cause there's not enough Money for the billing, Cause his dad don't make enough money for it. And Annette was worried about Steven. So she was going to go over his house and talk to him. She walked in a blizzard to go see him and when she got there he slammed the door in her face.

And i predict that in the  next chapter everything will start to come together and they would not have to worry about nothing.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

In the chapter i read Jeffery is worried that he might not make it. He is really scared about his healing and how he will heal. They put an needle threw his chest for a shot and so it can make him feel better.

Friday, February 8, 2013

So Steven was still undergoing symptoms of leukemia And the Doctor said he has a 50% chance to live. And Then Jeffery said he just wants to get shot so he could end the pain he is from the leukemia.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Steven's attitude toward jeffery before and after he learns about jeffrey's illness:

Before Steven found out that his little brother had leukemia he thought he had injured his little brother from his fall in the morning. Steven's attitude toward Jeffrey was worried about his little brother. But he found out that it was not what happend. His little brother had leukemia. Steven's attitude changed after he heard the news. He felt sorry and wanted to help as much as he could. He wanted the best for his little Brother, and wanted him to recover.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 24th

I find it funny that he was in a good mood just cause a girl told him his shirt was nice. (PG.5) 

Steven have a little brother named Jeffery, And he got a bloody nose. (PG.19-20)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Yo What Up My Name Is Jerome And I Like To Play Sports And Breakdance. And My Favorite Book Is Jack And The Beanstock.